Founded on 27 December 1988 by Mr. Adisak Sukumvitaya and Ms. Yuvadee Pong-Acha, Jaymart was first established with registered capital of Baht 2,000,000 initially selling only electrical appliances through financial installments. The Company later penetrated into wholesaling market with major products including television, VCR, and air conditioner.

In 1992, the company started mobile phone retail business and mobile distribution by expand mobile phone shop in many key department store in Thailand.

In 1994, the Company started debt collection business. The JMT Network Services was established to operate debt collection for financial institution and operators. In 1999, the Company founded IT rental space business under brand “IT Junction”.

Currently, Jaymart engages in Holding Company invest in a potential 6 subsidiaries and 1 associated companies by focusing on retail and retail finance by bringing a synergy and technology for our consumer.

27 Dec 1988



Jaymart Public Company Limited was first established with registered capital of Baht


In 2009, Jaymart Public Company Limited or Trading Symbol “JMART” was listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and offering of increased its share capital amount of 75 million shares at 1.80 baht/share to IPO. The IPO market capitalization was 540 million THB with paid-up capital 300 million THB. (Par value 1 Bath/Share)

As of 31 December 2020 the Company has a paid-up capital of 906,612,007 shares with market capitalization of 19,074 million THB. Or Jaymart grown 35X in value of the company in 11 years of listed on SET.

As for the current holding structure, the Company holds 52.8% in its subsidiary, JMT Network Services Public Company Limited (“JMT”), which operates debt collection and debt management by acquire bad debt from financial institution in Thailand. JMT is a best-in-class in debt collection and debt management in Thailand especially unsecure bad debt management.

Moreover, the Company own 74.9% in JAS Asset Public Company Limited (“JAS Asset”) which engages in rental space for IT and mobile retailer under the brand “IT Junction” and Community Mall name “The Jas” “The Jas Urban” and “Jas Village”.


In 2015, the Company has acquired a major stake in Singer Thailand Public Company Limited 24.9% which engages in direct sale business for home appliance and commercial appliance with hire purchase and engage in car title loan business under brand “Singer”. Currently, the Company own 32.6% of Singer shard holing stake (as of 1 Jan 2021)


In 2016, the Company engaged in group restructuring the Jaymart to became a holding company spinning Jaymart Mobile as a core business.

The Company aims to apply technology to its business by foresee that there will be disrupt in financial and retail business. So, the Company has prepare to change its business to coup with the disruption and turn it to be a sustainable growth. In the year of 2017 the Company established a subsidiary “J Ventures Co., Ltd.” with registered capital of 100 million Baht by holding shareholding for 80.00%


In the year of 2017 the Company established a subsidiary “J Ventures Co., Ltd.” with registered capital of 100 million Baht by holding shareholding for 80.00%.

In the same year, Beans and Brown Co.,Ltd was established to acquire CASA Lapin Coffee Shop.


J Ventures Co.,Ltd raised fund to develop Decentralized Digital Lending Platform (DDLP) with initial coin offering (ICO).


Jaymart, JMT and KB Kookmin Card Co.,Ltd signed a Joint Ventures partnership in J Fintech Co.,Ltd to expand personal loan business in Thailand


Jaymart and BTS collaborate on Super Synergy. Create a turnkey ecosystem business.


The company has expanded investments to build an ecosystem for creating synergy, such as Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited, BNN Restaurant Group Company Limited("Suki Teenoi"), Avantis Laboratory (Thailand) Company Limited, Buriram Sugar Public Company Limited(BRR), and others.


The company has expanded investment into PRTR Group Public Company Limited "PRTR" and Bangkok Dec-Con Public Company Limited "BKD".


The company has expanded investments into Vega Creator (Thailand) Co., Ltd.