16 February 2011
Resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting No. 1/2554
IR 54/004
16 February 2011
Re: Resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting No.1/2011
To: The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
According to Jay Mart Public Company Limited have agreed to call an
Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting No.1/2011, which will be held on 16
February 2011 at 09.30 hours at the head office of the Company, No.
9/121-3,126-7 UM Tower, Meeting Room 12th floor, Ramkamheang Road, Suanluang,
Bangkok 10250
The Chairman announced the opening of the meeting at 09.30 hours, there were 63
shareholders and proxies attending the meeting, representing the total amount of
219,402,448 shares, or 73.13 percent of the total shares of 300,000,000
shares. The resolutions are as follows;
1. To consider and certify the Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders, held on 9 April 2010
- Approve 229,309,948 vote(s) * representing 100 % *
- Disapprove ???.??. vote(s) representing ??%
- Abstain ?????.. vote(s) representing ??%
2. To consider and approve the transaction of asset acquisition to purchase land
from TAS Asset Company Limited to construct a new office building
Shareholders and proxies who are entitled to vote in the number of 28,025,699
Shareholders and proxies who are stakeholders attending the meeting in the
number of 203,482,349 share(s) ***
- Approve 28,025,699 vote(s) *(**) representing 100 % *(**)
- Disapprove ???.?? vote(s) representing ??%
- Abstain ?????. vote(s) representing ??%
* During the meeting, there were additional shareholders and proxies attending
the meeting, there were more than the number of share at the beginning of the
meeting. Hence, finally, there were 79 shareholders and proxies attending the
meeting, representing 231,526,348 share(s) or 77.18 percent of the total number
of shares.
(**) Due to the votes on this agenda must have to be approved by the resolution
of the meeting of shareholders to approve the said transaction by the votes of
not less than 3/4 of the total number of votes of the shareholders attending the
meeting and having the right to vote which excluding the shareholder who are
stakeholders. Therefore, the Meeting unanimously approved the transaction of
assets acquisition.
*** The shareholders and proxies who are stakeholders has no right to vote
Please be informed accordingly
Yours faithfully
( Miss Ladda Waruntarakul)
The Company's secretary